Dog On and Off Leash Areas

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield has many great open spaces where dogs can be exercised and enjoyed with their owners. The link below is an interactive map of all our parks, reserves and foreshore areas, which identifies dog parks, on and off leash areas and dog prohibited areas.

Dog on Leash Areas Overview Map

On and Off Leash Areas

Street and Footpaths (including shared paths) Dogs must be on a chain, cord or leash at all times, not exceeding 2 metres in length.
Parks and Reserves Dogs must be under effective control by voice command and in close proximity to their owners at all times, unless signs declare it an on lead area. Then a dog must be on a chain, cord or leash at all times, not exceeding 2 metres in length.
Dogs on the Foreshore To ensure a consistent approach to dogs on the beach the following conditions apply:
  • Daylight Saving (October to March)
    Between 10am and 8pm dogs must be on a chain, cord or leash at all times, not exceeding 2 metres in length.
    Between 8pm and 10am dogs must be under effective control by voice command and in close proximity to their owners at all times;
  • Non Daylight Saving (April to September)
    Dogs must be under effective control by voice command and in close proximity to their owners at all times.
Designated Dog Parks
  • Jack Watkins Reserve - Churchill Rd, Kilburn
  • L.J. Lewis Reserve - Stirling St, Northfield
  • Roy Marten Park - Taperoo

(Dogs must be under effective control by voice command and in close proximity to their owners at all times.)

Smoking is not permitted within the fenced dog parks at Jack Watkins Memorial Reserve Dog Park, LJ Lewis Reserve Dog Park and Roy Marten Dog Park by resolution of the Council on 10 December 2019.

Dog Prohibited Areas Any areas signposted as dog prohibited, means no dog can enter or remain in this area.
Children’s Playgrounds No dog can enter an enclosed area which has play equipment or if there is no enclosed area, come within 5 metres of the nearest device.
Organised Sport All dogs must be on a chain, cord or leash at all times, not exceeding 2 metres in length on any park or reserve when organised sport or training is being played.