We’re here to help. You can get in touch with us by phone, email, post, online chat or social media, or by visiting us at one of our council offices in Port Adelaide, Greenacres or Enfield.
General enquiries
We’re always working to improve the ways that you can get in touch with us. We are committed to the principles of transparency and fairness when handling customer compliments, enquiries, requests and complaints.
Call us on 8405 6600
You can call us from 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. If you call outside these times, we’ll receive and log your call for follow-up later. If you’re overseas, you can reach us on +61 (8) 8405 6600.
If you’re deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS). You'll need to give the NRS our phone number when you call.
We are happy to speak with you through the services of an interpreter if you need one.
Email us
Visit us
Customer service centre
163 St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide
Open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm. Closed on weekends and public holidays.
City of PAE Offices at Enfield Library
1 Kensington Crescent, Enfield
City of PAE Offices at Greenacres Library
2 Fosters Road, Greenacres
Chat online
Chat live online with us from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Write to us
City of Port Adelaide Enfield
PO Box 110
Port Adelaide SA 5015
Make sure that you include your email or phone number in your correspondence, so we can get in touch with you easily.
If there is an emergency
Phone 000 if you are experiencing a serious or life-threatening emergency. For all other emergencies, you can find out which service is best to contact on our emergency page.
If you have a query about waste or recycling
Call our waste and recycling contractor, Cleanaway, on 1800 777 844, Monday to Friday, from 8am to 5pm, or email Cleanaway at PAE@cleanaway.com.au
If you’d like to contact a specific Elected Member
You can contact the Mayor or any Elected Member to discuss any issue in your local area.
Request a service or make a payment
Make a complaint, compliment or suggestion
We welcome feedback about our services at any time, particularly if you have a concern or complaint about how we have provided a service. We are committed to the principles of transparency and fairness when handling customer feedback.
Please contact us if you are dissatisfied with a product or service delivered by the council, its Elected Members, staff, volunteers or a third party that represents the council.
When you provide us with feedback, you can expect us to:
- Treat you with courtesy and respect
- Provide you with assistance to make communication with us easier (for example, by arranging an interpreter or involving an advocate)
- Acknowledge receipt of the issue you have raised and keep you informed about the timeframes you can expect for us to respond
- Consider the matter quickly and fairly
- Handle the matter confidentially where appropriate
- Provide you with information about other options for resolution if they are available
- Provide you with advice, information and/or an outcome to the issue you have raised
In return, we ask that you treat our Elected Members, staff, volunteers and representatives with the same courtesy and respect.
Make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request
We capture and retain a huge amount of information about the services and activities that are carried out each year. Under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 ('the Act'), you have the right to request this information, and to apply to have amendments made to documents that are related to you that are incomplete, incorrect, out of date or misleading. Under the Act, we need to respond to your request within 30 days.
So that we can respond as promptly as possible, it helps if your application is very specific about the information you are requesting. In some cases, before we can release information, we may need to consult with another party so that they have time to state any objections to the release of information that also relates to them. This may add a delay to how long it takes us to process your request.
Our trained and accredited Freedom of Information Officers will process your request. They will also access, identify and refer to any information relevant to your request. Please note that we are not bound to release all the information that you request.
The Freedom of Information Officer will make a decision about whether the information that you requested can either be fully released to you, partially released or not released at all. Once the officer has assessed your request, in most cases, we’ll either post or email the relevant information to you. In some cases, however, we will ask you to attend our Civic Centre in Port Adelaide to view the documents that you have requested.
Once we have completed the request, we may also provide you with further rights of access, explain how we made the determinations or provide information about how to request a review of the findings. The cost for lodging a Freedom of Information application is currently $42. This cost is subject to an annual increase.
Request a review of a Council decision - Section 270
In line with our Complaints and Grievances Policy, you may wish to apply for an Internal Review of a Council Decision.
This review, often referred to as a "Section 270" will involve a Reviewing Officer investigating and considering whether an original decision by a council officer was fair and reasonable. This can include whether:
- the officer gathered sufficient facts
- the officer correctly identified the issues and the administrative acts
- sufficient analysis of the facts was undertaken
- the principles of procedural fairness were followed
- the officer’s conclusions were reasonable
- the officer took into account relevant facts, laws and policies
- conclusions were properly explained to the complainant.
Public Interest Disclosure - Policies and Guidelines
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2018, which came into operation on 1 July 2019 and replaced the SA Whistleblowers Protection Act 1993, ensures that proper procedures are in place for making and dealing with disclosures in the public interest. Under the new Act there are two types of information that can be received. These are:
- Environment and Health information: Information that raises a potential issue of a substantial risk to the environment or to the health and safety of the public generally or a significant section of the public
- Public Administration information: Information that raises a potential issue of corruption, misconduct or maladministration in public administration
Provide information in accordance with the Public Information Disclosure Act
Mail us:
Confidential – Public Interest Disclosure
The City of Port Adelaide Enfield
PO Box 110, Port Adelaide SA 5015
Email us:
Email one of our appointed Responsible Officers via our disclosure email address:
For more information:
- The LGA Model Behavioural Management Policy sets out the requirements relating to the management of behaviour of council members, and the process for receipt and management of a complaint received regarding the conduct of a council member
- Our Complaints and Grievances Policy provides guidance on the submission, receipt and management of complaints and grievances. It sets out the principles for a fair, transparent and consistent process for customers who are dissatisfied with the council's actions, decisions or services
- The Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Policy aims to assist staff in the management of unreasonable complainant conduct. The policy establishes a framework for how the City of Port Adelaide Enfield will manage unreasonable complainant conduct
You can also:
- Download the e-learning module for South Australian Public Officers
- Download PAE's Public Interest Disclosure Policy
- Visit the Office for Public Integrity
- Visit the Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector website