
We are required to maintain a variety of registers, including a Gift Register, a Register of Interest summary and allowance and benefits received by Council Members.

Gifts and Benefits Registers

Council Members who receive a gift or benefit of more than $50 (as published in the Government Gazette by the Minister) must ensure that details of each gift are recorded with in the Elected Members Gifts and Benefits Register. Employees who receive a gift or benefit of $50 or more (as published in the Government Gazette by the Minister) must ensure that details of each gift are recorded within the Staff Gifts and Benefits Register.

These registers are also available for inspection at the Civic Centre.

Salary, Allowances and Benefits Register

Council Members are entitled to receive an annual allowance from the council for carrying out official duties. We must also maintain a register of salaries for staff that must be updated within 28 days after a change to the salary, wage or remuneration payable to an employee.

View the Elected Member Register of Allowances and Benefits
View the Salary Register

Elected Members Register of interest

Under Section 70(a1) of Local Government Act 1999, we are required to publish an Elected Member Register of Interest.

Elected Members Training and Development Register

The Elected Members’ Conferences, Seminars, Training and Development Policy was endorsed on 6 November 2022.

Confidential Items Register

Council meetings are held in public and can be viewed via livestream. On occasion, there may be a need to keep the information or discussion confidential. When a decision has been made to exclude the public from a meeting for discussion about confidential agenda items, the agenda items are registered in our Confidential Items Register. The register also shows the timeframe for release of items and any instances where a confidentiality order has lapsed.