As Council is responsible for the maintenance, coordination and safe use of public space, permission is required to occupy roads, footpath or reserves within the City of Port Adelaide Enfield to complete maintenance or construction works. To minimise the level of impact works will have on Council’s infrastructure and the broader community, we expect all viable options are explored to minimise the occupation of the public space while accommodating the unique requirements of your work project.
A permit under Section 221 and 222 of the Local Government Act is required for works relating to the occupation of roads and footpaths. For reserves a licence is issued under Section 200 and 202 of the Local Government Act.
The Works on Council Land Guidelines have been developed to assist in the planning of your works to ensure adequate protections and traffic management are established.
If your planned works included one or more of the following components, there is additional information you should be aware of before applying:
- Closure of footpaths or roads
- Access to business or residential premises is compromised
- The availability of on street parking is impacted by the works
In accordance with Section 223(1) of the Local Government Act 1999 and our Community Engagement Policy, we are required to undertake public consultation when traffic is impeded to a material degree.
The City of Port Adelaide will manage the consultation process which involves the application being subject to public consultation for a minimum of 21 working days on Council’s website and via a newspaper advertisement.
When your proposed works require public consultation, you will be required to submit your application six weeks before your proposed start date.
Additional notification will be required by the permit applicant when:
- The availability of on street parking is impacted by the works.
- The works requires an exclusion zone which results in a road or footpath closure.
- Access to business and residential premises are restricted.
- A high level of noise and/or dust will be generated by the work and impact local businesses and residents.
The notification will need to include:
- Date
- Time
- Location
- Description of the work activity
- Contain a map showing the site set up and/or traffic management plan
- Contact details of permit holder
An application to install or remove a driveway or crossover an application can be made using the Application to complete works on council land form.
You will be required to submit a plan or diagram with the application that details the following:
- Property boundary/block
- Proposed driveway access location to the property boundary/block, including the distance to the nearest side boundary
- Proposed driveway access width
- Proposed driveway access length
- Include distances from the proposed driveway access to any street trees, stobie poles, side entry pits and utility service pits (for example, Telstra pits).
If the work relates to the installation of a general stormwater connection from the property boundary to the kerbside, the work will need to be completed in accordance with:
- SK1017 Stormwater Connection (Kerb Outlet) – All kerb outlet stormwater connections shall be installed using either a combination of 90mm diameter uPVC footpath pipes, or a combination of 300mm x 100mm x 8mm thick (Class D) galvanised steel chequer-plate culverts.
- SK1019 Stormwater Connection (Under Verge) – All under verge stormwater connections shall be installed using a minimum 225mm diameter, class 3 reinforced concrete pipe and shall only be completed by a licensed plumber or civil contractor.
- SK1021 Service Trench Reinstatement
There is no need to submit an application to Complete Works on Council Land, however you will need to provide a site plan outlining the area that will be excavated along with the name, address, licence number and contact details for the contractor completing the work via email to
Work must be completed in accordance with the following:
- All cables shall be laid in accordance with the current Australian Standard Specification AS/NZS 3000:2000, (SAA Wiring Rules) and the Current SA Power Networks installation rules.
- Underground electrical cable(s) shall be laid a minimum 0.6 metres below the present or future surface, whichever is the greater.
- The electrical Contractor shall issue a Certificate of Compliance as required by the Electricity Act 1996 and amendments to the Land Owner.
- Any future alterations to the electrical services necessary through road widening or other works shall be carried out at no cost to the Council.
- Underground consumer mains that are supplied from a service fuse box on an SA Power Networks (SAPN) pole shall comply with the following:
- Where the pole is located either on the alignment of the property boundary or in front of the property, the underground consumer mains are to be installed across the footpath at 90 degrees to the property line.
- In general, consumer mains must not be laid underground diagonally across a footpath. Where it is impractical for the consumer mains to enter the customers property directly opposite the pole from which it originates, a square route from the pole along a strip in the footpath reserve between the lines 0.4m to 0.9m out from the building line and across to the property at 90 degrees to the property line shall be followed as shown in the diagram below
- Unless specifically approved by the SAPN Engineer, the consumer mains shall not be installed in a course parallel with the footpath and in line with the SAPN pole.
All works and reinstatements completed on Council land are to be completed in accordance with Council’s engineering standards.
Should your works produce unavoidable dust, noise, odour or smoke you may need to apply for an exemption from the Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016. More information can be found here .
If your work relates to the installation of a structure on, above or below Council land an approval for the easement encroachment will be required. Easement encroachments requiring approval include retaining walls, timber decking, commercial signage (with footings) or permanent structures. Further information as to when an easement encroachment approval is required and how to apply can be found here .
Please note an annual minimum Roads Alteration and Permit fee will become applicable. This is calculated using the market value of the occupied square metreage with a minimum fee of $717.00 per annum.
While a permit from Council is not required, please ensure you notify Council of utility works ahead of being completed as we can let you know if other works or activities are scheduled in the same location for the proposed dates.
Notification to Council needs to be made in accordance with the relevant utilities Act the work is being conducted under:
- Gas Act 1997
- Electricity Act 1996
- Telecommunications Act 1997
- Water Industry Act 2012
You will also be required to share details of road closures if this forms part of your traffic control measures.
Please email details to or post to 163 St Vincent St, Port Adelaide, SA 5015.
Reinstatement work may be inspected by Council and are expected to be completed in line with the legislative requirements of the relevant utilities Act and in accordance with the City of Port Adelaide Enfield’s Engineering Standards. The City Works Guidelines also provides information to minimise impacts to Council’s assets, such as trees.
We also have staff available that can provide assistance and guidance ahead of the completion of the works:
Costs associated with Works on Council Land
An application fee of $35.00 is applicable for works requiring a permit to occupy Council land.
Where the proposed works will need a permit to occupy the land for more than 12 weeks, an additional Roads Alteration and Permit fee will become applicable. This is calculated using the market value of the occupied square metreage with a minimum fee of $717.00 per annum.
Instances where public consultation is required under Section 223(1), the cost of the full cost of the advertisement placed in the newspaper will be on charged to the permit applicant.
Applying to Complete Works on Council Land
An application can be made online or in person.
You may need to submit the following documents as part of your application:
- A Certificate of Currency of your Public Liability Insurance with a minimum cover of $20 million.
- A site and traffic management plan. When the work will span more than one day to complete, an after-hours site and traffic management plan will also be required.
- A copy of your notification letter to be delivered to impacted stakeholders (if applicable).
Your Works on Council Land application will take seven working days to process.
Mini Skip (Rubbish Bin) Permit
All other work activities for all other activities such as compounds, concrete pumps/pours, cranes, elevated work platforms, pedestrian/vehicle management