Waterways and stormwater

We have developed Stormwater Management Plans for catchments in the City of PAE. Keep reading to learn why these plans are important, and what works we’re undertaking as a result.

We’re committed to protecting our waterways

In the City of PAE, stormwater is generally discharged to the River Torrens, West Lakes, the Port River Estuary or the sea. The Port Adelaide area is low lying, which means there are a number of large pumping stations and holding basins to help discharge stormwater to the Port River during rainfall events.

View the PAE flood awareness map or the State flood awareness map.

Urban consolidation, increased building densities, smaller allotments, more paved areas and reduced open space increase stormwater run-off, and decrease the quality of water entering the system. We are committed to reducing the amount of pollution passing through our stormwater system and into our natural waterways. We have installed numerous 'gross pollutant' traps designed to collect solid waste such as litter and coarse sediments.

Watch this video to learn how stormwater systems work during heavy rain.

Our Stormwater Management Plans

A Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) is a documented, comprehensive plan that includes flood maps for areas of high risk to indicate the predicted flood levels during various storm events and to understand and implement strategies to protect against potential stormwater problems.

With funding support from the Adelaide and Mt Lofty Ranges Natural Resource Management Board, we’re have developed Stormwater Management Plans for catchments in the City of PAE, including some catchments that we share with the Cities of Charles Sturt and Prospect.

To date, three major catchments are in various stages of completion as per our Stormwater Management Plans, including flood mapping and the construction of new catchment sites:

  • The Hargrave Street, Peterhead Pump Station catchment
  • The Hart Street, Ethelton Pump Station catchment
  • The Hack Street, Port Adelaide Pump Station catchment
  • The Wellington Street, Port Adelaide Pump Station catchment

Plus we continue new, replacement and ongoing maintenance to pipes, drains and stormwater infrastructure as presented on our capital works map.

Barker Inlet Central Stormwater Management Plan

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield, City of Prospect and City of Charles Sturt, with joint funding from the Stormwater Management Authority, has prepared a Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) for the Barker Inlet Central area.

The Barker Inlet Central SMP will provide greater clarity to the extent of the stormwater management related issues in the project area. The SMP will be used to guide our decision-making processes to better manage flood risk, water quality, stormwater detention/retention, water reuse and development in the project area.

The project area includes the suburbs of Wingfield, Mansfield Park, Angle Park, Woodville Gardens, Regency Park, Croydon Park, Dudley Park, Devon Park and Prospect. The plan helps us to identify flood prone areas and opportunities to reduce flooding, taking into consideration the management of stormwater infrastructure and the projected impacts of climate change

Port River East Stormwater Management Plan

The Port River East Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) aims to improve understanding of stormwater management related issues, while guiding future decision making about how we manage flood risk and improve the quality of stormwater. The catchment area covered by the SMP includes the suburbs of Port Adelaide, Queenstown, Alberton and Rosewater.

The plan has been prepared by the City of Port Adelaide Enfield, with joint funding from the Stormwater Management Authority and Adelaide Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resource Management Board in partnership with a consultant team led by Southfront.

Read the Port River East Stormwater Management Plan

Other Stormwater Management Plans

Read the Torrens Road Catchment Stormwater Management Plan
Read the North Arm East Catchment Stormwater Management Plan
Read the Lefevre Peninsula Stormwater Management Plan

Flooding and stormwater FAQ

We regularly maintain stormwater infrastructure as part of routine maintenance schedules, but you can report a blocked or damaged drain online.

In the event of a blockage or an after hours emergency at this site, call us on 8405 6600.

In the event of a flood or major storm, we can supply a limited number of sandbags to residents. The State Emergency Service (SES) can also provide sandbags if more are needed. More information on storm safety and ways to minimise the impact of a storm event can be found on the SES Website. Weather warnings are issued by the Bureau of Meteorology and more information is available on our What to do in an emergency page.