
Individuals or small groups of people who perform in public spaces in exchange for donations require a busking permit. Busking performances may include:

  • Singing
  • Playing an instrument
  • A maximum of four performers will be permitted as part of the activation. Consideration for a larger group can be made if a site plan is also provided with the application.
  • A performer is able to use minimal, essential equipment for their performance such as an instrument or tape/compact disc player or Bluetooth speaker to provide a low-level backing track.
  • A minimum of 1.8 metres is expected to remain clear to maintain pedestrian access. In instances when the usual width of the footpath is less than 1.8 metres then provisions are to be made to maintain pedestrian access in line with the usual footpath width.
  • One location is permitted to be used twice in a calendar month.
  • The activation can occur daily between the hours of 7 am to 10 pm, without the use of amplification.

Please note acts that require an exclusion zone to enable the use of knives, whips, swords etc. as part of the performance are not supported by Council.

In addition, to align with the objectives of the Community Land Management Plan – Passive Recreation Reserves, busking is not supported within reserves (including the footpaths and car parks associated with reserves) when the main objective is to collect donations for a performance. This does not preclude a performer from organising a recreational festival, event or social gathering which can be enjoyed by the broader community via a reserve hire booking.

Further information including the conditions for busking will be added to this page when available.

Busking permits are issued at no charge to the applicant.

An application can be made online or in person.

You will need to submit the following documents as part of your application:

  • Photographic identification such as a driver’s licence, passport, student card etc.
  • If the performance has more than four performers, a site plan detailing the:
    • Location
    • Dimensions of the area that will be occupied
    • Site set up showing location of performers, essential equipment and pedestrian access
  • When the performer is a child (under the age of 18), the application must be made on behalf of the child by a parent or guardian.

Please note performers aged 12 years old or younger will need to be supervised by a parent, guardian or appropriate adult.

Your busking permit application will take 7 working days to process.

Apply for a Busking permit

Do you need further information?

If you have any questions regarding busking permits, please contact us Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 5 pm.