Biodiversity Management

Biodiversity maintains the critical ecosystem processes that support life. Healthy, functioning ecosystems are necessary to maintain and regulate the atmosphere, climate, fresh water, soil formation, cycling of nutrients, and disposal of wastes.

Biodiversity Management Plan

We recognise that it is important that areas of biodiversity value are identified, and appropriate management regimes be implemented to ensure that these areas are preserved and enhanced wherever practical.

Our Biodiversity Management Plan establishes a forward program for systematically identifying, surveying and monitoring key elements of biodiversity within the area - and ensuring protection and enhancement of key habitats within our own parks and reserves areas, in collaboration with other agencies and the local community.

Our biodiversity sites are located along coastal sand dunes, mangrove zones, woodlands and creek reserves within the area are monitored annually to provide a reliable baseline to measure future progress. The monitoring information is incorporated into site-specific biodiversity planning to effectively manage 'on-ground' works that aim to retain, restore and enhance the existing biodiversity values of these areas.

Council's Open Space Plan

Council has ownership or management responsibility for a range of public open space areas within the City. These areas are managed in accordance with a strategic Open Space Plan prepared by Council which aims to ensure that the use and ongoing management of these areas meets the needs of the community and the environment in a balanced way.

Some Council open space areas are designated in the Plan as specifically to be maintained and managed as 'natural areas'. In these areas, protection of the biodiversity and other environmental elements of the area are paramount, and development is limited to only actions that are required to protect or enhance the natural biodiversity values of the area.

Natural areas under Council's management within the City include the tidal wetlands and mangroves at Gillman, Folland Park at Enfield, Mangrove Cove at Ethelton, and the coastal dune system from Semaphore to North Haven.

Open Space Plan Strategy(PDF, 7575.58 KB)

Environment Community Program

The Environment Community Program is a foundation initiative derived from the Living Environment Strategy. The program aims to engage various community groups via Urban Biodiversity and Citizen Science activities to assist in meeting key outcomes in relation to sustainable education, coastal protection and urban forest development across strategically selected biodiverse zones across Council. The program aims to improve conservations prospects for native flora and fauna, increase participation in community natural resource management activity by 50% from 2014, and develop working partnerships with Department for Environment and Water and Non-Government Associations to help achieve lasting outcomes”.

Community members, schools, or groups wishing to actively participate in Urban Biodiversity and Citizen Science projects within the coastal, stormwater wetlands, Torrens River reserve and Dry Creek are encouraged to contact Customer Services team to find out how you can get involved and make a difference to our local environment.