
Delegations are the powers delegated by Council to the Council Assessment Panel and to various staff members, enabling the delegate to conduct activities within their authorisation without referring back to Council. Section 44 of the Local Government Act 1999 provides that the Council may delegate a power or function vested or conferred under this or another Act. Some other Acts also contain a specific power of delegation.

Delegations made by the Council under Section 44 of the Local Government Act 1999 can be made to a Council committee, a subsidiary of the Council, an employee of the Council, the employee of the Council for the time being occupying a particular office or position or, an authorised person. Other Acts may specify different delegates than the Local Government Act 1999.

A delegation made pursuant to Section 44 of the Local Government Act 1999 is revocable at will and does not prevent the Council from acting in a matter.

The Council may delegate many of its powers, functions or duties to a Council committee, officer or employee of the Council and such delegations are recorded in the Delegations Manual and these are required to be reviewed at least once in each financial year.

Delegations Manual(PDF, 4542.34 KB)