For Business

Within the City of Port Adelaide Enfield there is a strong employment base currently sustaining over 81,799 jobs across more than 10,088 businesses.

We constantly work to reaffirm and significantly increase employment opportunities in our city by creating a flourishing, competitive and sustainable business and tourism environment that adds value to our community. The City of Port Adelaide Enfield City Plan includes a specific focus on the economy that will see it continue to develop opportunities for economic diversification and support and recognise business initiatives that create local employment..

We seek to ensure that strong and effective linkages exist between the community, education and training providers and local employers. If you are thinking of bringing your business to our City, or commencing a new enterprise, then speak to one of our Economic Development team members.

Our Economic Development team will be able to provide you with relevant statistics and data to help with your business planning.

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield is also a key stakeholder in the Adelaide Business Hub. The Adelaide Business Hub provides: one on one business consulting support, nationally accredited business training targeting small business, and the Todd Street Business Incubator and a Co-Working Hub that provides affordable communal business space serviced by wifi, professional facilities and mentoring support.

We provide assistance for businesses to attract State and Federal Grant funds, so when the time comes to expand your business, chat with us to see what is available and how we can assist you to make the most out of your application.


The City of Port Adelaide Enfield's economic profile presents economic information that enables you to describe the area's role within the broader economy, explore options for economic development and promote the area's strengths. The information presented here is derived from official sources of information (Australian Bureau of Statistics) as well as Australia's leading economic modellers, NIEIR.

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