
Council is required to keep a number of registers available for public inspection.

Gifts and Benefits Registers

Council Members who receive a gift or benefit of more than $50 (as published in the Government Gazette by the Minister) must ensure that details of each gift are recorded with in the Elected Members Gifts and Benefits Register. This register is also available for inspection at the principal office of the Council.

Employees who receive a gift or benefit of $50 or more (as published in the Government Gazette by the Minister), must ensure that details of each gift are recorded within the Staff Gifts and Benefits Register. This register is also available for inspection at the principal office of the Council. Elected Members Gifts and Benefits Register Staff Gifts and Benefits Register

Elected Member Register of Allowances and Benefits

Allowances & Benefits Register (PDF, 308.75 KB)

Credit Card Expenditure

In accordance with our Corporate Hospitality and Catering Expenditure Policy proactive disclosure of credit card expenditure is provided.

Confidential Items Register

The Local Government Act 1999 specifies that Council meetings be held in a public place, but on occasions this principle is outweighed by the need to keep the information or discussion confidential. Instances where Council was satisfied that it was necessary to exclude the public and consider agenda items in confidence are registered in our Confidential Items Register. The registers also shows the timeframe for release of items and any instances where a confidentiality order has lapsed.

Confidential Items Register

Elected Member Training & Development Register

Elected Member Training & Development Register

Public Road Register

Public Roads Register(PDF, 985.93 KB)

Salary Register

Salary Register

Elected Member Register of Interest Information

Under Section 70(a1) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Chief Executive Officer must publish the register on the website.