Heritage and Historic Conservation

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield has a significant place within the metropolitan area, having over 400 heritage places and four Historic Conservation Areas. Many of these places and areas have been identified by heritage assessments and surveys, with several places currently protected by their inclusion within the Port Adelaide State Heritage Area.

Council has been a pioneer in the State of South Australia in the management and promotion of its heritage assets by aiming to protect and conserve its built heritage. The Heritage Incentive Program was implemented in 2001 and aims to assist and support the viability of new developments associated with the conservation of Local Heritage Places and Contributory Items.

Heritage conservation is defined as all necessary works required to maintain a place of local heritage significance or to retain that part of the fabric which contributes to its cultural significance.

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield Heritage Incentive Scheme seeks to encourage owners of Local Heritage Places and Contributory Items by providing an opportunity to meet with our Heritage Advisor and submit for a Heritage Grant. Depending on the demand for assistance and funds available for the respective financial year, a maximum of 50% of the value of the completed work, not to exceed $3,000 in any one financial year may be approved. More information and how to apply can be found on Council's Heritage Grants Webpage

Council Heritage Survey Report - March 2014(PDF, 4559.91 KB)

Heritage Conservation Register(PDF, 107.26 KB)