Living Environmental Strategy

One of the five goals of the City Plan 2030 is to create a ‘city that cares for its natural environment and heritage’.

The Living Environment Strategy 2017-2022 is the leading strategy under this goal. The Strategy identifies the key environmental challenges and opportunities that our city will face over the next decade and, what actions can be taken to protect and improve our wonderful natural environment and heritage.

Using evidence from our State of the Environment 2012 Report and drawing on local knowledge and an analysis of state and national policy, the strategy focuses on the following six key challenges and priorities for action:

  • Identifying and progressing economic opportunities that support the environment, including green industries and nature based tourism
  • Enabling and supporting greater community engagement and participation in environmental programs and advocacy
  • Ensuring provision of open space, and green infrastructure in a period of intensified and higher density development
  • Ensuring natural, cultural and built heritage is protected, respected and celebrated
  • Managing coastal development to ensure coastal ecosystem protection and enhancement
  • Building resilience and adaptation to the projected impacts of climate change, including increased inundation and heatwaves.

Read the Living Environment Program Report Card 2023

Environment Strategy 2022(PDF, 9540.59 KB)

State of the Environment Report

State of the Environment reporting is a process which provides information on the quality or condition of aspects of the environment via a series of key indicators at a certain point in time. There is a national framework for State of the Environment reporting which can be applied to local environmental circumstances. Both State and Commonwealth Governments prepare State of the Environment Reports on a regular basis, and Port Adelaide Enfield Council also undertakes this process. This approach goes some way to ensuring that sound science-based information drives the delivery of local government programs and projects in the City.

Regular reporting on the state of our environment also ensures that Council and the local community are kept informed about trends and pressures regarding the quality of the natural and built environment. It is a navigation tool for defining and guiding environmental management in the City. A State of the Environment report is also a valuable educational tool to support changes in attitudes or activities that place pressure on the vulnerable ecosystems on which we depend.

Council's most recent State of the Environment report was published in 2012. It was based on environmental indicators and a review of changes and trends occurring since the previous State of Environment Report 2007.

Council State of the Environment report

South Australian State of the Environment report

Australian State of the Environment report